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Diving Deeper: Understanding Radon in Water

Updated: Mar 16

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Diving Deeper: Understanding Radon in Water

Beneath the surface of our earth lies a hidden menace, one that lurks in the very water we depend on for sustenance and survival. Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, can dissolve into groundwater and emerge as an unforeseen threat when we turn on the tap. In this blog post, we embark on a journey to understand the complexities of radon in water, an enigma that poses health risks to millions of people worldwide.

Our quest will take us from the origins of radon in aquifers to the mechanisms of its entry into our homes, shedding light on the multifaceted challenges it presents and the strategies employed to mitigate its potential dangers.

Radon's journey begins deep within the Earth's crust, where uranium-bearing rocks and soil give birth to this radioactive gas. As radon seeps through the ground, it often encounters underground aquifers, natural reservoirs that supply groundwater to wells and springs. In these subterranean realms, radon can dissolve into the water, creating what is known as radon in water.

Unlike its gaseous counterpart in the air, radon in water is not easily detected through sight or smell. It remains a silent intruder, its presence concealed within the liquid that quenches our thirst and sustains life. However, the consequences of radon in water can be far-reaching, as it has the potential to be released into the air when water is used for various domestic purposes.

To comprehend the significance of radon in water, we must delve into the science of its behavior. Factors such as water temperature, pressure, and the composition of aquifer materials influence the solubility of radon. This solubility, in turn, determines how much radon can be absorbed by groundwater as it flows through subterranean channels.

When groundwater carrying dissolved radon makes its way into our homes, it can be released into the indoor air through various activities, such as bathing, showering, or simply running the faucet. Inhaled radon decay products can pose health risks, particularly when they accumulate in enclosed spaces.

The implications of radon in water extend beyond the walls of our homes. In regions where groundwater is a primary source of drinking water, exposure to radon through ingestion can be a concern. It is a complex challenge that requires a multifaceted approach to mitigation, involving the measurement of radon concentrations in water, the design of effective treatment systems, and the implementation of strategies to reduce indoor air radon levels.

Sources of Radon in Water

Radon in water primarily comes from two sources:

  • Groundwater: Radon contamination in groundwater is a significant concern, as it can serve as a potential pathway for radon entry into indoor environments, posing health risks to occupants. Radon is naturally present in soil and rock formations, including aquifers, where it can dissolve and accumulate in groundwater through a process known as radon emanation. As groundwater flows through radon-rich geological formations, such as granite, shale, and limestone, it can become enriched with radon gas, particularly in regions with high levels of natural radioactivity. According to research conducted by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), radon concentrations in groundwater vary depending on factors such as the geological composition of the aquifer, groundwater flow rates, and aquifer recharge processes. Groundwater from bedrock aquifers, which are commonly associated with uranium-rich formations, may exhibit higher radon levels compared to groundwater from unconsolidated aquifers or surface water sources. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) highlights that radon-contaminated groundwater can pose health risks to individuals who consume or use the water for domestic purposes. When radon-enriched water is pumped into homes for activities such as drinking, cooking, bathing, and showering, radon gas can be released into the indoor air, leading to elevated indoor radon levels and potential radon exposure risks. In addition to indoor air inhalation, radon exposure through ingestion of contaminated water can occur when radon gas is released from water during activities such as washing dishes or cooking with radon-contaminated water. The EPA recommends testing private wells and other groundwater sources for radon to assess potential radon exposure risks and implement appropriate mitigation measures to reduce radon levels and protect public health. Radon mitigation options for addressing radon contamination in groundwater include aeration systems, granular activated carbon (GAC) filters, and point-of-entry treatment systems. Aeration systems utilize bubbling or spraying techniques to agitate the water and release dissolved radon gas into the air, where it can be safely vented outdoors. GAC filters are designed to adsorb radon and other contaminants from water as it passes through the filter medium, effectively reducing radon concentrations in treated water. Point-of-entry treatment systems, such as reverse osmosis or ion exchange units, can also be employed to remove radon from water before it enters the home's plumbing system. Furthermore, the EPA recommends conducting periodic radon testing of private wells and groundwater sources for radon to ensure that radon levels remain within acceptable limits and to monitor changes in radon concentrations over time. Regular radon testing allows property owners to identify potential radon contamination issues promptly and implement appropriate mitigation measures to safeguard water quality and protect public health.

  • Surface Water: Surface water bodies, including lakes, rivers, streams, and reservoirs, can serve as additional sources of radon exposure, although radon concentrations in surface water are generally lower compared to groundwater sources. Radon can enter surface water through various natural processes, including radon emanation from underlying geological formations, atmospheric deposition, and radioactive decay of radium-bearing minerals in sediments. Studies conducted by researchers at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) have demonstrated that radon concentrations in surface water can vary widely depending on factors such as water chemistry, flow rates, temperature, and the geological characteristics of the watershed. Radon levels in surface water tend to be higher in regions with geological formations rich in uranium, thorium, and radium, which serve as primary sources of radon generation. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) notes that while radon concentrations in surface water are generally lower than those in groundwater, surface water can still contribute to indoor radon levels when used for domestic purposes such as drinking, cooking, and bathing. When radon-enriched surface water is consumed or used in the home, radon gas can be released into the indoor air, potentially leading to elevated indoor radon concentrations and increased radon exposure risks for occupants. In addition to direct radon exposure through ingestion and inhalation of radon-contaminated surface water, recreational activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing in radon-rich water bodies can also result in radon exposure. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), prolonged exposure to radon in surface water during recreational activities may increase the risk of radon inhalation and ingestion, particularly in poorly ventilated indoor spaces such as boathouses or lakeside cabins. Radon concentrations in surface water can exhibit temporal variations influenced by seasonal factors, weather patterns, and hydrological conditions. According to a study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, radon concentrations in rivers and streams may peak during periods of low flow and warm temperatures when radon emanation rates from sediments are highest. Conversely, heavy rainfall events and rapid water flow can dilute radon concentrations in surface water, resulting in lower radon levels downstream. To mitigate radon exposure risks associated with surface water use, the EPA recommends implementing appropriate water treatment measures, such as aeration, filtration, and activated carbon adsorption, to remove radon from drinking water and reduce indoor radon levels. Homeowners relying on surface water sources for domestic use should consider conducting radon testing and implementing water treatment systems as needed to ensure compliance with radon guidelines and protect public health.

Risks Associated with Radon in Water

Exposure to radon in water primarily occurs through inhalation of radon released into the air during everyday water-related activities. The health risks associated with radon in water include:

  • Increased Indoor Radon Levels: Radon released from water sources can indeed contribute to elevated indoor radon levels, posing health risks to occupants. When radon-enriched water is used in the home for activities such as drinking, cooking, bathing, and laundry, radon gas can be released into the indoor air, leading to increased indoor radon concentrations. This phenomenon, known as radon off-gassing or radon emanation, occurs when dissolved radon gas in water is released into the air upon contact with household surfaces or during water usage activities. Research conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) highlights that radon released from water sources can significantly contribute to indoor radon levels, particularly in homes supplied by private wells or groundwater sources with elevated radon concentrations. According to the NIEHS, radon off-gassing from water can account for a substantial portion of indoor radon exposure, especially in areas with radon-prone geological formations. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) emphasizes that radon released from water can mix with indoor air, leading to increased radon levels and potential health risks for occupants. Radon gas is typically heavier than air and can accumulate in enclosed spaces such as basements, crawl spaces, and poorly ventilated areas, further exacerbating indoor radon exposure risks. Studies have shown that indoor radon concentrations tend to be highest in areas where radon is released from both soil and water sources, highlighting the importance of addressing radon off-gassing from water in radon mitigation efforts. Furthermore, the EPA recommends conducting radon testing and implementing appropriate radon mitigation measures to address radon off-gassing from water sources and reduce indoor radon levels. Common radon mitigation options for addressing radon off-gassing from water include aeration systems, point-of-entry treatment systems, and granular activated carbon (GAC) filters. Aeration systems agitate water to release dissolved radon gas into the air, where it can be safely vented outdoors, while point-of-entry treatment systems remove radon from water before it enters the home's plumbing system. GAC filters adsorb radon and other contaminants from water as it passes through the filter medium, effectively reducing radon concentrations in treated water. The EPA recommends implementing ventilation strategies to prevent radon buildup and promote air circulation in indoor spaces, thereby reducing the potential for radon accumulation and exposure. Proper ventilation helps dilute indoor radon levels and minimize health risks associated with radon exposure. Additionally, sealing cracks, gaps, and other potential entry points in the building envelope can help prevent radon ingress from both soil and water sources, further reducing indoor radon levels and protecting occupant health.

  • Lung Cancer Risk: The correlation between radon exposure and lung cancer risk is well-documented, making it imperative to address sources of radon, including both soil and water, to mitigate health hazards associated with prolonged exposure. Radon is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), indicating its established link to cancer development, particularly lung cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking, responsible for approximately 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the United States each year. Prolonged exposure to elevated radon levels, whether from soil or water sources, can significantly increase the risk of lung cancer, particularly among non-smokers or individuals with a history of radon exposure. When radon released from water sources contributes to indoor air levels, it can further exacerbate this risk, leading to higher overall radon exposure and a corresponding increase in lung cancer incidence. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) underscores the importance of reducing radon exposure in homes and workplaces to mitigate lung cancer risks and protect public health. Studies have shown that radon-induced lung cancer risk is influenced by various factors, including the duration and intensity of radon exposure, individual susceptibility, and smoking status. According to research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI), non-smokers exposed to elevated radon levels have a significantly higher risk of developing lung cancer compared to non-smokers with lower radon exposure levels. Additionally, smokers exposed to radon face an increased risk of lung cancer compared to non-smokers, with synergistic effects observed between radon exposure and tobacco smoke. Radon exposure through ingestion of radon-contaminated water can also contribute to lung cancer risk, albeit to a lesser extent compared to inhalation exposure. The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights that while inhalation of radon gas is the primary route of exposure leading to lung cancer, ingestion of radon-contaminated water can contribute to overall radon exposure and increase lung cancer risk, particularly in regions with high radon levels in groundwater. To mitigate lung cancer risks associated with radon exposure, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) recommends testing homes and workplaces for radon and implementing appropriate radon mitigation measures to reduce indoor radon levels. Effective radon mitigation strategies include sealing cracks, gaps, and entry points in the building envelope, installing radon mitigation systems, and treating radon-contaminated water to remove radon before it enters indoor spaces. By addressing radon exposure from both soil and water sources, individuals can significantly reduce lung cancer risks and promote healthier indoor environments.

Measuring Radon in Water

Detecting radon in water requires specialized testing, and there are two primary methods.

  • Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Treatment Systems: Granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment systems are widely recognized as effective solutions for reducing radon levels in water supplies and safeguarding indoor air quality. These systems employ porous carbon media to adsorb radon and other contaminants from water, thereby preventing radon gas from entering the home's plumbing and indoor environment. GAC treatment systems typically consist of large tanks filled with granular activated carbon media, which are installed at the point where water enters the home, such as the wellhead or water main. As water flows through the GAC filter media, radon molecules become adsorbed onto the carbon surfaces due to their chemical affinity, effectively trapping radon and preventing it from entering the household plumbing system. Research conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) highlights the efficacy of GAC treatment systems in reducing radon concentrations in water to levels below the EPA's recommended maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 300 pCi/L (picocuries per liter). GAC filters have been shown to achieve radon removal efficiencies exceeding 90%, making them an effective and reliable option for radon mitigation in water supplies. Furthermore, GAC treatment systems offer several advantages over other radon mitigation methods, including simplicity of installation, low operational costs, and minimal maintenance requirements. Unlike aeration systems, which require the agitation of water to release dissolved radon gas into the air for venting, GAC filters operate passively and do not rely on mechanical components or electricity to function, resulting in lower energy consumption and operational expenses. GAC treatment systems can effectively remove a wide range of other waterborne contaminants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chlorine, taste, and odor compounds, improving overall water quality and safety. The EPA acknowledges the multi-functional benefits of GAC treatment systems, which provide comprehensive water treatment solutions while simultaneously mitigating radon exposure risks. GAC treatment systems are compatible with various water sources, including private wells, municipal water supplies, and groundwater sources, making them suitable for a wide range of residential and commercial applications. The versatility and effectiveness of GAC filters have made them a popular choice among homeowners, water treatment professionals, and environmental health experts seeking to address radon contamination in water supplies and ensure safe and healthy drinking water for occupants.

  • Aeration Systems: Aeration systems represent a popular and effective method for mitigating radon contamination in water supplies, particularly in areas where radon levels exceed regulatory limits. These systems utilize aeration, or the process of exposing water to air, to facilitate the release of dissolved radon gas before it enters the household plumbing system. Aeration systems typically consist of aeration tanks or chambers, where water is aerated by either injecting air directly into the water stream or by cascading water over aeration media to maximize contact with air. As water is agitated and exposed to air, dissolved radon molecules are liberated from the water matrix and released into the air phase, where they can be safely vented outside the home. Research conducted by the Water Quality Association (WQA) and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) demonstrates the effectiveness of aeration systems in reducing radon concentrations in water to levels below regulatory thresholds. Aeration systems have been shown to achieve radon removal efficiencies exceeding 90%, making them a reliable and proven technology for radon mitigation in water supplies. Furthermore, aeration systems offer several advantages over other radon mitigation methods, including simplicity of operation, low maintenance requirements, and minimal chemical usage. Unlike chemical treatment methods, which may require the addition of oxidizing agents or precipitating agents to facilitate radon removal, aeration systems operate without the need for chemical additives, reducing the risk of water quality degradation and minimizing operational costs. Moreover, aeration systems can effectively remove other volatile contaminants, including hydrogen sulfide, methane, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), from water, enhancing overall water quality and taste. The American Ground Water Trust (AGWT) recognizes the versatility and efficacy of aeration systems in addressing a wide range of water quality issues, making them a preferred choice for residential, commercial, and municipal water treatment applications. Additionally, aeration systems are adaptable to various water sources, including private wells, municipal water supplies, and groundwater sources, making them suitable for a diverse range of settings and water quality challenges. Whether installed as a point-of-entry (POE) or point-of-use (POU) treatment solution, aeration systems can provide comprehensive radon mitigation and water treatment benefits to ensure safe and healthy drinking water for occupants.

Mitigating Radon in Water

If you discover elevated levels of radon in your water, there are several effective mitigation strategies to consider.

  • GAC Filtration: Granular Activated Carbon filters can be installed in your water supply system to remove radon before it enters your home.

  • Aeration Systems: Aeration systems are another option for removing radon from water by venting it into the outdoor air.

  • Well Relocation: If you rely on well water and find that radon levels are excessively high, relocating the well to a different water source with lower radon concentrations may be a viable long-term solution.

While radon in water is less commonly discussed than radon in soil, it is a significant aspect of overall radon exposure. Understanding its sources, risks, and mitigation options is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy indoor environment. If you rely on well water or suspect radon in your water supply, radon testing and, if necessary, radon mitigation measures should be a part of your radon safety plan.

By addressing radon in both soil and water, you can take comprehensive steps to protect yourself and your family from the potential health risks associated with this radioactive gas.

Still Have Questions?

Getting in touch with us is easy and risk-free. Simply click the button below and share your questions or concerns. Our team will promptly get back to you with the expertise to help address your radon concerns, assess your radon levels, or discuss effective radon mitigation options. Reach out today to ensure a safer environment with the help of our certified radon professionals in Calgary today.

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